Number Palindrome in java

Checking Number Palindrome 

What is Palindrome ?
> A palindrome is number,string or phrase which reads same as backward and forward. Ex-MADAM, 121  etc.

Steps to do this:-
1.  take 4 a,r,sum=0,integers ( a is for user input number, r is for to store  remainder , sum=0 is for performing addition task [we have to initialize it otherwise it will store garbage value and our code will be messed :( ]  t is for to store the user input number for checking )

2. take a scanner class and make an object and scan the user input number

3. now store the number in t
for further use

so in here we are just finding the reverse of the number , so if you not watch my blog that how to reverse a number then click here
4. start the while loop from (a>0) and do this
r=a%10;// it will store the last number of the digit
 sum=sum*10+r;// it will perform the digit addition
a=a/10; // it will eliminate the last number and stores the rest of the numbers
note* for detail explanation check my blog that how to reverse a number by clicking the link

5. now start the if condition and check
print " palindrome"

print "not palindrome ";


when,the reverse is equal to the number then it will perform the if block otherwise it will perform the else block

6. save and run

The Source Code
import java.util.Scanner;
class numberpali
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner s=new Scanner(;
        int a,t,r,sum=0;
        System.out.println("enter the number");
        while (a>0)
            System.out.println("this is palindrome");
            System.out.println("this is not a palindrome");


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